Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
Article Info
Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose شماره 98

volume Number : 17
number In Volume : 4
issue Number : 98

Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
volume Number 17، number In Volume 4، ، issue Number 98

Interaction of Iranian and Islamic culture using links prototype of Imam Ali (PBOH)and Rostam in Khorasanian and Iraqi style

Mansour Norozi , Ali Heydari (Author in Charge)


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Iranian and Islamic culture have been linked together in various fields, including the integration of national and religious prototypes in Persian culture and poetry. Finding the origin of myths, especially religious-historical myths, has been an important issue that scientists of various sciences have always searched for the reason of the importance of this important issue for mankind. In this article, the authors try to first point out about archetypes and prototypes, then examine this connection in the poetry of Khorasani and Iraqi style poets.

METHODOLOGY: The current research is a basic and applied research. The work method is analytical-descriptive and the method of collecting information is library.

FINDINGS: Poets have emphasized two axes in the depth of their thoughts. Some poets have put the prototype of the religious personality of Imam Ali (AS) on the same level as Rostam and have always used the character of Hazrat Ali (AS) in their verses and mentioned the national hero of Iran, Rostam. This view is more common in the poetry of Khorasani style poets. Poets who have described the bravery of Imam Ali (AS) in their poems as a religious hero superior to Rostam. This type of view is seen more in the thinking of religious poets.

CONCLUSION: The predominance of nationalism over religion in the Khorasani style and even among religious poets and mystics is tangible. On the other hand, some poets such as Nasser Khosrow, based on their religious views and religious beliefs, have placed the prototype of Hazrat Ali (AS) in opposition to Rostam as a national hero and have described Hazrat Ali as superior to Rostam.

Archetype , prototype , Hazrat Ali (AS) , Rostam.

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